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5811C circle L with 2W, repeat 2M35
5561C cross, go round 2C, down bet 3C cast2
5551C go round opp. then 3rd nbr. & return9
5531C RH turn & cast (2C up), 2C the same4
5521C set to 2W & circle L, repeat 2M72
5491st corners set & 2-hand turn, then 2nd56
5791W go R round 2M & L round 3M, 1M v.v.26
5841W set circle L with 2C, repeat 1M5
5831W set to 2M turn 3M, 1M similar29
2562-hand chassé16
2263 ladies chain29
2254 ladies chain299
4235 ladies chain8
4486 ladies chain2
542Actives lead down, cast, lead up, cast49
554Actives lead out each side & cast back15
543Actives lead out, cast & fig 8 at ends33
546Actives turn partner, corner, part, corn131
372Alamo ring105
470Allemande Thar6
571Allemande turn 1½1
589Any figure of choice5
122Any hey of choice1
150Arch and dive through894
309Arm L & R10
308Arm left44
112Arm R & L447
307Arm right83
260Ægle hey1
328Back ring19
330Back ring to L16
329Back ring to R34
170Back to back467
518Back to back for 42
514Back to back for four1
324Back to back for three2
171Back to back L241
172Back to back R & L42
299Back to back, face en face7
561Balance & Rigadon10
269Balance and swing498
203Balance back83
419Balance in line and change line25
517Balance the ring561
520Balance the ring and rollaway59
346Ballroom hold101
333Bend the line229
528Box the Gnat123
266Box the Gnat/Swat the Flea358
588Butterfly hold3
123C# siding140
125C# siding R shoulder16
227California twirl717
413Cast (others move up)1441
427Cast & go round, follow & cut through16
292Cast and cross23
238Cast and lead280
496Celtic brooch1
519Celtic Hey3
87Celtic knot3
359Chain progression10
282Change places53
166Change places both hands32
165Change places LH71
164Change places RH108
284Change places with in/out chassé10
563Chassé croisé13
564Chassé croisé & Rigadon16
565Chassé ouvert3
566Chassé ouvert & Rigadon1
255Chassé, slide, sashay, slice998
403Circle halfway and fall back109
208Circle L & R818
402Circle L & R (slip step)92
121Circle left6654
400Circle left (slip step)107
207Circle R685
497Circle R & L35
401Circle right (slip step)16
447Circle to a line137
436Circulate (Box circulate)149
285Cloverleaf turn single194
576Cnrs lead down, partner o/s, triumph arc2
362Complex (FdM) hey2
594Contras balance70
443Contras balance and swing1360
386Contras gypsy R & swing (meltdown)315
195Contras swing3724
509Contras/nbrs change places1
569Contretem(p)s forward3
567Contretem(p)s forward & back9
570Contretem(p)s forward & Rigadon11
568Contretem(p)s R & L1
481Conventional intro (USA)5
607Corners arm R (maybe step-hop)10
602Corners back to back51
608Corners balance8
603Corners balance & cross W turning under arm3
609Corners C# siding8
158Corners cross835
606Corners gypsy21
605Corners LH turn35
275Corners meet53
278Corners meet and stand back to back8
604Corners RH turn77
412Corners set149
376Corners set and turn single84
551Corners set, cross over, repeat home72
196Corners swing49
290Corners turn229
392Cotillion changes3
174Counter circles16
479Couples back to back49
630Couples lead away from each other & back1
534Couples weave the line3
344Courtesy turn86
134Cross and cast826
135Cross and cast twice182
536Cross contrary corners3
262Cross down154
236Cross Grimstock hey52
380Cross hey and hey own side120
397Cross L and loop R35
268Cross Morris hey15
405Cross on left diagonal7
404Cross on right diagonal10
152Cross over1194
349Cross over stars18
503Cross over turning single35
396Cross R and loop L107
414Cross trail through105
297Cross up112
361Cross-over figure of eight3
449Cupids Hey2
367Dance around80
557Dance whole circle R and back again41
578Diag R whole fig 8 opposite sides1
616Diagonal 2-hand turn4
487Diagonal back to back96
316Diagonal cross over311
480Diagonal half poussette4
615Diagonal half promenade7
628Diagonal hey for 31
612Diagonal hey for 460
444Diagonal Ladies Chain243
126Diagonal LH turn227
613Diagonal ocean wave3
445Diagonal R & L through179
108Diagonal RH turn130
618Diagonal set & cross11
617Diagonal set & turn single4
614Diagonal set and turn7
500Diamond cross over (Pat Shaw)9
199Dip and dive131
620Dixie chain1
502Dixie twirl2
516Dolphin back to back1
475Dolphin figure of eight4
377Dolphin gypsy6
357Dolphin hey88
590Dolphin progression1
375Double cast159
334Double cast and lead2
353Double figure of 8196
422Double gypsy7
491Double Mad Robin126
394Double pass through34
331Double star200
488Double Triangles (set and change)2
124Down a double and back24
326Draw poussette180
279Ends meet48
363Exwood hey4
321Face en face16
224Face neighbour14
109Fall back442
408Fall back and come forward217
409Fall back and turn single forward41
382Flutter wheel101
383Flutter wheel sweep quarter more26
304Follow corner/opposite44
485Follow neighbour44
486Follow neighbour hey7
228Follow partner235
358Follow partner hey15
177Foot it118
410Forward & back (individually)54
531Forward and side3
338Four leaf clover52
234Four Winds figure19
508Galop across13
381Galop across and back50
240Galop down117
241Galop down and back174
435Galop in9
432Galop in and out19
510Galop left14
415Galop out35
512Galop out and in14
580Galop out M side, set, repeat W side23
511Galop right10
242Galop up60
243Galop up and back41
148Gates down116
149Gates out115
147Gates up194
345Gay Gordons/Varsouvienne hold66
450Georgia Rang Tang14
438Give and take371
276Give crossed hands88
296Go round corner187
572Go round corner and meet in centre0
263Go round couple134
246Go round neighbour172
245Go round partner150
293Go round set, orbit605
201Grand chain636
202Grand chain along line16
189Grand square34
190Grand square and reverse49
494Grapevine step2
217Grimstock hey150
271Grimstock Shetland Reel1
212Gypsy L341
214Gypsy L facing out6
407Gypsy L then R29
489Gypsy Poussette2
211Gypsy R1002
213Gypsy R facing out8
406Gypsy R then L109
434Gypsy star, special star67
354Half double figure of 8137
142Half figure of 8182
482Half figure of 8 (split)19
312Half figure of 8 down450
197Half figure of 8 up713
235Half Four Winds figure2
191Half grand square15
218Half Grimstock hey8
161Half ladies' chain2407
163Half ladies' chain up & down90
270Half poussette427
272Half promenade777
286Half siding and turn single12
347Heel and toe37
291Heys at the ends115
322Hole in the Wall cross168
431Hullichan swing16
468In canon27
501Interlocking heys7
364Interlocking straight heys for 33
176Into centre and back with hands497
175Into centre and back without hands163
265Jersey Twirl/Nevada Twirl12
200Jump in/out13
395Kentucky do-si3
160Ladies' chain569
162Ladies' chain up & down33
181Lead across between & cast back170
294Lead away6
295Lead away, lead back7
303Lead between16
178Lead between & cast back120
204Lead down560
180Lead down between & cast back634
504Lead down centres arch ends dive & back2
220Lead down followed by rest79
418Lead down outside133
454Lead down, centres wheel, back and cast25
456Lead down, centres wheel, back bend line11
452Lead down, centres wheel, lead back15
455Lead down, couples wheel, back and cast52
457Lead down, couples wheel, back bend line124
453Lead down, couples wheel, lead back25
416Lead down, Dixie twirl, lead back32
222Lead down, lead back and cast1067
458Lead down, make cosy line, lead back10
477Lead down, sliding doors, lead back9
587Lead down, threesome turn, back16
205Lead down, turn and lead back406
521Lead down, turn and lead back, bend line202
206Lead down, turn lady under, lead back11
493Lead down, turn, fall back down14
476Lead down, wring the dishrag, lead back5
619Lead forward24
258Lead forward and back627
156Lead in244
157Lead out163
151Lead out and back332
168Lead round52
193Lead through and cast followed by rest1
474Lead to left4
472Lead to right8
136Lead up631
179Lead up between & cast back534
399Lead up followed by rest11
622Lead up outside1
621Lead up, turn and fall back up1
417Lead up/down single file76
391Left and left through2
120Left hand star1751
441LH double star158
459LH pull by155
426LH star, RH star284
133LH turn3140
288LH turn and RH turn357
305LH turn backwards3
420Lichfield hey1
141Line facing down841
140Line facing up287
184Line leads round other line9
145Lines across facing229
586Lines across, set, move home, set29
298Lines facing out66
231Lines fall back89
146Lines forward and back3312
106Long corners cast11
233Long corners cross32
599Long corners forward & back1
600Long corners gypsy2
598Long corners set4
597Long corners turn13
320Long Pond (½ fig 8, other C back to back movt.)6
185M lead round W69
254M pass to W in front10
247Mad Robin figure271
460Make circle, balance, petronella turn570
425Matchboxes (as in Picking up Sticks)43
219Meet and fall back14
421Men's chain153
591Mini Grand Square6
342Minuet step4
280Mirror back to back131
379Mirror gypsy51
451Mirror hey17
261Mirror turn221
237Morris hey96
547Nbrs set, W take hands, ch w M, repeat229
593Neighbours 2-hand turn21
273Neighbours back to back1901
107Neighbours galop down and back1
601Neighbours gypsy41
105Neighbours set5
596Neighbours set & turn single6
575Neighbours turn7
187Ocean wave53
188Ocean wave, balance1161
378Open ladies chain92
210Overhead allemande31
230Parallel hey12
592Partners 2-hand turn46
274Partners back to back1842
595Partners balance44
442Partners balance and swing1778
385Partners gypsy R & swing (meltdown)546
350Partners set & turn single11
194Partners swing4950
337Pass lady across36
257Pass on to next couple63
388Pass the ocean97
252Pass through2017
393Petit fours5
336Petronella turn233
325Pivot turn21
369Polka around21
300Pothooks (aka chevron)70
633Pousette Hey1
545Poussette 1½119
562Poussette into corner & back1
384Poussette out/up/down46
250Progressive grand chain74
287Progressive stars49
356Promenade hey (all couples)41
281Promenade hey (lead couple)21
264Pull by403
192Quarter grand square9
232Quick corners cross58
390R & L variant2
573Rant setting27
340Rant step25
462Repeat 2x196
463Repeat 3x229
464Repeat ad lib7
465Repeat down/up953
466Repeat L for R and v.v.1837
289Revolving back to back2
478Revolving door18
440RH double star71
221RH star, LH star1272
132RH turn2636
267RH turn and LH turn1113
532Ricochet hey for 438
560Rigadon turning (home)0
223Rigadoon step61
626Right and left eight1
625Right and Left Six1
117Right and left through1459
118Right and left through and back309
374Right and right through44
119Right hand star1874
387Rory O'More376
483Running set do-si7
484Running set going down town1
490Schiehallion reel3
216Scissors back to back2
627Scoot back1
522Set and cast off30
629Set and link (incl. Tandem S & L)18
102Set and turn single826
624Set backward and turn single forward4
632Set backwards1
144Set forward & fall back62
550Set, 2 changes of hey, repeat home20
548Set, circle L, set, circle R13
544Set, RH star, set, LH star106
558Set, Rigadon and half round and back12
313Shake Hands16
398Sheepskin hey12
355Shetland reel12
310Short arm turn33
467Side couples do the same84
111Siding into line430
198Single cast295
229Single file circle446
327Single file counter circles54
339Skip change of step6
169Skip step2
471Sliding doors7
507Slip diagonally into line1
315Snap fingers, threaten5
428Special grand square2
429Special grand square and reverse3
505Spin chain through3
515Spin the Top6
113Square hey, 2 changes618
114Square hey, 3 changes374
115Square hey, 4 changes998
116Square hey, 5 changes18
513Square hey, 6 changes2
373Stand back to back46
277Star thru'239
138Step and honour208
103Step in17
366Step setting68
128Straight hey for 3460
129Straight hey for 42339
130Straight hey for 55
131Straight hey for 625
365Straight hey for 86
104Straight poussette89
248Strip the willow52
540Swap diag near shoulder Cs pass b-to-b133
529Swat the Flea26
370Swing around75
527Swing through73
244Swing to bottom38
209Take hands in circle102
469Teacup chain15
343Thread the needle30
525Tidal wave along set1
526Tidal wave and balance8
537Top C cast 2 places and back again135
541Top C cross, cast (2C up) 2-hand turn 1½28
538Top C slip down/back to 2nd pl. (2C up)523
539Top C swing RH, LH round 2C (2C up)24
530Trade the Wave13
574Triangular progression towards M then W3
239Triple cast and lead1
439Tulloch swing7
577Turn a la Waltz8
348Turn contra corners211
215Turn corner, partner, corner, partner79
631Turn moving down (others cast up)1
153Turn single400
183Turn single down76
155Turn single L366
154Turn single R406
182Turn single up83
6Turn under arm, butterfly whirl473
110Two hand turn2648
259Two-hand turn anticlockwise60
101Up a double and back541
186W lead round M63
582W lead round M, M go fwd & back & v.v.36
368Waltz around149
523Wave across set27
524Wave across set and balance253
143Whole figure of 8278
610Whole figure of 8 down20
611Whole figure of 8 up11
430Whole Poussette289
437Wind up the ball yarn2

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