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Country Dance Recordings

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21 Easy English Country DancesCDSS
38 years on (Warts and All)Ranchers live tape
A Band Named BobA Band Named Bob
A Cook's TourSue and John Stapledon
A Dartmouth Country Dance PartyThe Dartmoor Pixies
A Decade of New AssemblySteve Hunt
A Dutch TreatSteve Hunt and Orion's Ring
A Fallibroome BallAssembly Players
A Few for FunOrion's Ring
A Few For My FriendsOrion's Ring
A Further English AssortmentNeil Stuart and computer
A Kynaston BallAssembly Players
A Light in the EastHappisburgh Light Brigade
A Midsummer Regency RompGreen Ginger
A Neal BallAssembly Players
A New Collection of Dances for Jane AustenAusten Allegros
A New English BallBare Necessities
A New LeafRoguery
A Playford BallBare Necessities
A Portland Selection 1Penk, Curley & Songer
A Portland Selection 2Penk, Curley & Songer
A Purcell BallAssembly Players
A Royal Galliard
A Tribute to BettyMerry Conceit
A Trip to the JubileeMeryl and Ian Thomson
A Trip to the StarsMeryl and Ian Thomson
A Trip with the Royal NavyMeryl and Ian Thomson
A Walsh BallAssembly Players
Again Not Quite PlayfordSue and John Stapledon
Airs 'n' DancesOrion's Ring
Airs 'n' Dances 2Orion's Ring
Airs 'n' Dances 3Orion's Ring
All AliveTwo's Company tape
All in a Garden GreenMerry Conceit
Amycrofters at HomeAmycrofters
Amycrofters go Square 1Amycrofters
Amycrofters go Square 2Amycrofters
An Enchanted PlaceMasquerade
An English AssortmentNeil Stuart and computer
An Evening at Dan's HallThe Dancehall Players
Another English AssortmentNeil Stuart and computer
Another Look at PlayfordD & V Yeomans, M & I Jones
ApplejackBob McQuillen
As the Crow FliesCrowfoot
Astray (Contras by Cary Ravitz)Deborah & Karl Clark Colón
At HomeBare Necessities
At HomeDeo Volente
At Rainbow's EndKate Barnes
At the BallBare Necessities
AugmentedArden Folk
Balance and SwingDennis Darke
Band of FriendsVarious musicians
Bare NecessitiesBare Necessities
Barn DanceGreensleeves CDB LP
Barn Dance & Country DancingRing o'Bells CD Band
Barn Dance 2Greensleeves CDB LP
Barn Dance FavouritesGreensleeves CDB
Barn Dance FiestaRing o' Bells Band
Barn Dance for ChildrenGreensleeves CDB LP
Barn Dance Hoe DownRing o'Bells
Barn Dance PartyRing o' Bells Band (with caller)
Barn Dance Saturday NightRing o'Bells CD Band
Barn Dance ShindigRing o'Bells Band
Barn Dance SingalongGreensleeves CDB LP
Barn Dancin' and Country Dancin'Ring o'Bells
Bath MedleyBeau Nash Band
Beeson in the BarnGreensleeves
Below the SaltSteeleye Span
Best Foot ForwardSound Company
Best of BluegrassArizona Smoke Revue
Best of Irish Fiddle TunesFlorie Brown
Between the KeysKaren Axelrod
Beyond White WheatDeo Volente
Blackburn TunesStowfolk
Blue Sky ThinkingStradivarious
Bob's DancesRoguery
Bonds of HarmonyHudson Cross
Both Sides of the AtlanticLittle Tinkers
Brass TacksNick and Chris Dewhurst
Brief Encounter and other dancesDownfield Players
By ChoiceBare Necessities
By RequestBare Necessities
Callers' ChoiceRanchers LP
Calling the Tunes
Captain Cook's Country DancesPhillip's Dog and Whoots
Captain's CeilidhWild Thyme LP
Ceilidh Saturday NightRing o'Bells CD Band
Celtic StepsLindsay Weir SCB
ChampagneNaomi Morse, Paul Oorts, Dave Wiesler
Charles' Choice(Bolton)
Chimes of DunkirkNew England Dancing Masters
Cloverleaf CollectionTally-Ho!
Cock and Bull BandCock and Bull Band
Colonial Social Dancing for ChildrenFrances C. Hendrickson
Come DancingClimax Ceilidh Band
Come Let's be MerryWild Thyme LP
Come to Yetties Barn Dance (called)Yetties
Community Dances Manual 1Blue Mountain Band LP
Community Dances Manual 2Woodley Yeomen LP
Community Dances Manual 3David White Band LP
Community Dances Manual 4Four Leaf Clover LP
Community Dances Manual 5Ranchers LP
Community Dances Manual 6Orange and Blue LP
Community Dances Manual 7Falconers
Contra Dance Tonight Vol. 4The Poodles and Labradors
Conzonie DamzePiffaro
Country Dance Favourites 1 & 2All Hands Around
Country Dance Favourites IIAll Hands Round
Country Dance Party (w & wo calls)All Hands Around
Country DancesLes Lendemains qui dansent
Country Dances by Thomas Skillern 1781Ensemble Musica Humana
Country Dances by Thomas Straight 1779-1784Birmingham Baroque Collective
Country Dances by Thomas Wilson 1809-1819The Fortuna Trio
Cumbriana JonesCumbrian Gap
Daisies in the WindFlying Romanos
Daisies in the WindFine Companions, The
Dance and DanceabilityAssembly Players
Dance at the PhoenixMellstock Band
Dance in TimeMosaic and John Stokes
Dance Music of Ignatius SanchoOrion's Ring
Dance to your DaddyGloworms, Dan & Caroline Hollingshurst
Dance with UsWoodlanders, The
Dances by Peggy SamuelSteve Hunt
Dances for a PrincessGreen Ginger
Dances for ChildrenLP
Dances for Jane AustenThe Austen Allegros
Dances from 1792Orion's Ring
Dances from EPEP records
Dances from the GreeneryJon Berger, Jonathan Jensen etc.
Dances with a DifferenceKafoozalum LP
Dances with a Difference 2Wild Thyme LP
Dances with a Difference 3Rampions
Dancing Across the AtlanticFlying Romanos
Dancing in the IslesMusica Pacifica
Dancing MusiciansYeomans e.a.
Dancing the Wolders WayWolders Country Dance Band
Dancing with MasqueradeMasquerade
Daphne's DelightBaker & Welsh
Daphne's Delights 2Daphne Baker & Richard Shallcross
Deck the Hall Regency Ball 2018Green Ginger
Devices for DancingThe Broadside Band
DiagonallyRattlebone & Dancehall Players Trio
Doon the BraeThe Assembly Players
Dr Browser's Brown Bowel Oil
Dutch Callers' ChoiceTriple Time
Dutch Callers' Choice 3Triple Time
Dutch CrossingWild Thyme
Duval's Lancers QuadrillesGreen Ginger
Early InstinctsChildgrove
EC Songs and DancesMagpie Lane
ECD from PlayfordBroadside Band
ECD Sea to SeaTune samples
Eight More Bars PleaseTenpenny Bit
ElasticityMoving Violations, The
Elephant's StairsPersons of Quality
ElftonesThe Elftones
Elizabeth and other dancesMasquerade
Emperor of the MoonPaul Hutchinson and John Hymas
English Country Dance PartyRing o' Bells Band
English Country DancesOld Mole
English Country Dances for Young FolkGreensleeves CDB
English Dances for the Dutch Court 1765La Baroque
English EchoesLiz Donaldson, Becky Ross, Colleen Reed
English Echoes IILiz Donaldson, Becky Ross, Colleen Reed
English Folk Dancing in the Primary SchoolGreensleeves CDB LP
English on-lineMerry Mayhem
English or Double DutchDutch Comfort
English Traditional DancingVarious musicians
Face the MusicTwo's Company tape
Fantastic HornpipeLaurie Andres etc. tape
Farewell to the HollowNew England Tradition
Farnicle HuggyKing, Berger, Oakden
Fast FriendsBare Necessities
Faster than a WalkMoving Viol., The
Favorites of the Boston CentreBare Necessities
Favourites for Four SettingsEarthly Delights
Feet, Don't Fail Me NowBoldwood
First VariarionsSteve Hunt
Flights of FancyElvyn and John Blomfield tape
Flights of FancyJaige Trudel and Sarah Russell
FlipsideSteve Hunt
Flora JanicaThe Cracknels
Flowers of the ManorWest Kirby Folk Dance Band
Folk Music of EnglandYetties
For Your PleasurePeter Jenkins tapes
Forest BandForest Band, The
Four Dances from Ignatius SanchoGreen Ginger
Fresh from Dan's HallThe Dancehall Players
Friends for all SeasonsHey for 3 and W Country Trio
Frolicking Stanley
From Two BarnsQuarry Turners tape
From Two Barns 10Sue and John Stapledon
From Two Barns Vol. 9 and Sup. To 8Sue and John Stapledon
Georgian Dance PartyRing o'Bells Band
Gingerbread and MoonshineDave Brown
Go with the Flow Vol 1Steve Hunt
Go with the Flow Vol 2Steve Hunt
Goldcrest Collection, TheGoldcrest
Good FriendsKaren Axelrod, Mary Lea, Peter Barnes
Good Man of CambridgeSteve Hunt
Grand Master Dancing MasterCohen and Fleming-Williams
Grand Waterloo BallGreen Ginger
Hampshire Dance TunesBurlesdon Village Band
Hand it DownAVOCD105
Handel ECDVirginia Early Music
Hang up Sorrow and CareCarnival Band
HaphazardFalconers LP
Hardcore EnglishVarious
Heatin' up the HallYankee Ingenuity
Here There and EverywhereAmaryllis
High FiveHigh Jinks
High JenksCracknels
Hilary's Humours 1Triple Thyme
Hilary's Humours 2Keeping Thyme
Hilary's Humours 3Deo Volente
Hilary's Humours 4Deo Volente
Hoedown HootenannyRing o' Bells Band
Hoedown PartyRing o' Bells Band
Hoedown Saturday NightRing o'Bells CD Band
Hoghton Band CollectionHoghton Band
Hold the MustardHold the Mustard
Holiday Folk Week Vol 1A. Broadbridge & R. Stradling
Houses, Halls and ParksF-W and Co.uk
Hunter's MoonWild Thyme LP
Impropriety IRoguery
Impropriety IIRoguery
Impropriety IIIRoguery
Impropriety IVRoguery
Impropriety V (Sweet Mischief)Roguery
Interesting TimesMomentum
Introduction, TheFoxfire
Invitation to WaltzBare Necessities
Irish Ceili PartyRing o' Bells Band
It's Easy... Hold the MustardHold the Mustard
John Playford 1651
John Playford's Secret BallBelshazzar's Feast
Jug of Punch and Maggot PieJug of Punch
Jump for JoyCarnival Band
Keep on Swinging/Everybody Swingtape
Kentish HopsRing o' Bells CD Band
Kickin' up the SawdustAshley Hutchins
Kitchen JunketYankee Ingenuity
Late ArrivalsStradivarious
Le Choix d'AmarillisChestnut
Les OubliéesChestnut
Let's Dance to the RanchersEP (45) by The Ranchers
Levi JacksonAssembly Players
LinkesOrion's Ring
Listen to the BandEFDSS compilation from 78 rpm records
Listen to the Mocking Bird
Live from Dan's HallThe Dancehall Players
Live music from Halsway ManorHalsway Millennium Players
Long Live LondonAssembly Players
Love and FriendshipGreen Ginger
Lovers LuckSociall Musick
Maggot PieWild Thyme Double Cassette
Margaret's MementoesOrion's Ring
Measured ObsessionMGM
Mendham's MaytimeAmaryllis
Merry MilkmaidCity Waites
Minding the GapRoguery
Modern TreasuresBare Necessities
More Dances for Jane AustenThe Austen Allegros
More Dances from the GreeneryShira Kammen, Rebecca King, Jonathan Jensen, and J
More DedicationsOrion's Ring
More Down East FiddlingGerry Robichaud
More Favorites of the Boston CentreBare Necessities
More from Dan's HallThe Dancehall Players
Morlands 25th Anniversary 2010Kendal Green
Mr Kynaston's Famous DanceBelshazzar's Feast
Mr Kynaston's Famous Dance Vol. 2Belshazzar's Feast
Mr Roland's Seventh Maggot (Terry Willetts)
Mr Roland's Sixth Maggot
Mr Roodman's FanciesMary Lea, Kate Barnes and others
Mrs Beveridge's TriumphBare Necessities
Music for FolkSundowners
Music for Folk DancingWoodlanders, The
Music for QuadrillesKeith Smith and Green Ginger
Music from the FansSteve Hunt
Music from Two BarnsWild Thyme
Music of Joan Winsor, TheSteve Hunt
My Family and other DancesAssembly Players
My Friends and other DancesAssembly Players
Naomi's Tunes and DancesStowfolk
Nearer and FartherRebecca King
Never Stand StillDampier's Round
New Dances from the Old Dominionunspecified musicians
New DimensionsDewhurst family
New England Chestnuts 2Rodney and Randy Miller
New England Chestnuts Vol. 1Rodney and Randy Miller
New England Contra Dance MusicSalmonberry
New Folk at the DanceShinnanikins
New FriendsMGM
New LeafRodney Miller and others
New ShootsBare Necessities
New Wine in Old BottlesAssembly Players
Next of KynastonPersons of Quality Persons of Quality
Night Dance, TheSue Stapledon and Peter K
NightcapBare Necessities
No ReelsThe Old Swan Band
Not Quite DutchWest Kirby FDB
Not Quite FinishedSue Stapledon
Not Quite GoldWest Kirby FDB
Not Quite NewWest Kirby FDB
Not Quite PlayfordWest Kirby FDB
Not Quite ShawWest Kirby FDB
Not Quite the SameWest Kirby FDB
Not Quite the Two of usSue Stapledon
Not to be Sniffed AtDr Bowser's Band
Nothing to DeclareContraband
Odd SundaysOdd Sundays Garage Band
Oe Moe Me Noe?Ægle Hoekstra selection
Old FriendsMGM
Old World - New DancesAssembly Players
On Keilder SideKathryn Tickell
On the Job (Ron Coxall)Stowfolk
On the Right TrackWeston Country Dance Band
One IVOld New England
Optimistic DancesPeter Jenkins tapes
Optimistic Dances vol. 5Tape
Oranges and LemonsThe Playfords
Out of the HatFolkus Pocus
Out of the SilenceThe Dancehall Players
Out of the Silence Vol. 2The Dancehall Players
Outside the SquareDave Brown
Packington's PoundWild Thyme LP
Pat Shaw and MoreTriple Time
Pat Shaw's PlayfordAssembly Players
Playford from the New WorldAssembly Players
Playford on 45From Eps
Playford PlusWest Kirby FDB tape
Playford PopsDewhurst and Stapledon
Playford StyleThe Falconers
Pleasures for Four SeasonsEarthly Delights
Popular ECDLP
Popular Folk DancesEP (45)
PostScriptum 1Paul Hutchinson, Karen Wimhurst & Dries De Maeyer
Pride and Prejudice Collection, ThePemberley Players
Pride and Prejudice Volume IIPemberley Players
Pride and Prejudice Volume IIIPemberley Players
Pride and Prejudice Volume IVPemberley Players
Promise of SpringCharlene Thomson
Purcell Playford and the ECDTape
Purcell, Encore!Assembly Players
Red Star LineA Joyful Noise, Hold the Mustard
Regency Ballroom, TheSpare Parts
Returning HeroesSpare Parts
Ross of MullForest Band
Round RobinFlying Romanos
Royal Scotch QuadrillesGreen Ginger
Running JoakThe Gloworms
Sashay the DonutNew England Dancing Masters
Seasons of InventionA Joyful Noise, Hold the Mustard
Selected Regency Country DancesGreen Ginger
Shades of Shaw, Dunant's FavouritesDutch Comfort
Shaw to ShawRanchers LP
Sidmouth Collection Vol 1, TheOrion's Ring
Sidmouth Collection Vol 2, TheOrion's Ring
Sidmouth Collection Vol 3, TheOrion's Ring
Simple PleasuresBare Necessities
Six Fan Dances from 1791 and 1792Green Ginger
Sold as HeardStowfolk
Sold Out Flowers and Frolicks
Something Old and Something NewOrion's Ring
Southerners Plus Two play Ralph PageSoutherners tape
Spoil the BrothBrian Jenkins tape
Spreading our WingsSkylark
Spring BlossomDampier's Round
Square Dance PartyRing o' Bells Band
Square Dance Saturday NightRing o'Bells CD Band
Square Dance Tonight Vol IBetty Bakingplate and the Bull Mountain Bakers
Square Dance Tonight Vol. 2La Bastringue
Square Dance Tonight Vol. 3American Cafe Orchestra
Square Dance Tunes for a Yankee CallerThe Fireside String Band
Step StatelyChestnut
Step Stately LPStep Stately LP
Stepping Around Prehistoric WiltshireOrion's Ring
Still Not Quite PlayfordWest Kirby FDB
Stradivarious CelebratesStradivarious
Strong RootsBare Necessities
Sugar and SpicePapa Richard
SummersweetKaren Axelrod, Anna Patton, Eric Martin, Kate Barn
Super TonicElixir
Sweet Richardtape by The Playford Consort
Take a DanceBare Necessities
Take off!Flying Romanos
Take TwoJohn Patrick and Chris Dewhurst
Ten Tunes for 8x6 of the bestDavid Yeomans
Ten Years OnMillenium Players
That's all Folkies!Belshazzar's Feast
The Apted and other CDColeman and Smith
The Assembly DancesAssembly Players
The Beau's RetreatWild Thyme
The Beggar's BallAssembly Players
The Blind Harper DancesAmarillis
The Caledonian QuadrillesGreen Ginger
The Civil War BallroomSpare Parts
The Dances of Brian WedgburyJohn and Sue Stapledon
The Dances of Pat ShawKenton Ramblers
The Dancing EnglishThe Countryside Players EP
The Dancing Year
The English Dancing MasterOrange and Blue, The Ranchers
The Green Jay CollectionGoldcrest
The Irish HowlePersons of Quality
The Lady of the LakeGreen Ginger
The Last All ClearGreensleeves Country Dance Band
The next dance is…Kenton Ramblers LP
The Pleasure of the TownThe Aardvark Band
The Ranchers FancyEP (45) by The Ranchers
The ToddlerPapa Richard
The Vesey CollectionPick 'n' Mix tape
The Village Maid 1988
This Sceptred IsleStradivarious
Three Quadrille SetsThe Fortuna Trio
Traditional British Dance MusicPandemonium
Traditional New England SquaresCalled by Ted Sannella
Tunes of the AbbeyRichard Smith and Maggie Fletcher
Turning of the HourAlchemy
Turning of the TideFresh Fish
Tuzzy MuzzyThe Cracknels
Twelve Cotillions by Giovanni Gallini 1770Ensemble Musica Humana
Twelve Cotillions by James Longman 1768Birmingham Baroque Collective
Twelve More Gems
Twickenham FerryAssembly Players
Twmpath Dawns
Under No IllusionFolkus Pocus
Under the Greenwood TreeMellstock Band
Understanding Victorian Societyunspecified musicians
Unexpected DancesThe Dancehall Players
Walpole CottageAssembly Players
Waltz Time IILarry Unger et al.
WassailMagpie Lane
Water from the WellChieftains
We Love Contra DancesPat Spaeth, Phil and Vivian Williams
Welcome Here AgainLiam Robinson Dance Band
Welcome to the Dance
Welsh DancesLP
West Coast and BeyondAlasdair MacCuish
What's NewOrion's Ring
Whims and FanciesTerry Willetts
Wild Thyme plays FallibroomeWild Thyme LP
Winter OrangesFoxfire
Wrights' HumoursJulie and Chris Dewhurst
X5Perpetual E-Motion
Yet Another LookAssembly Players
Yorktown Victory BallLegacy Trio
Young WidowPlayford Consort
Your RequestsHoughton Band

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