Download this dance

Levi Jackson Rag

Author:  Pat Shaw
5 couples arranged in a horseshoe: head couple faces down, with two couples each side facing across
Difficulty:  4
Style:  English

A1: Sides half right and left through; heads lead down the middle to the centre of the set; sides half right and left back; heads lead to end of set (4 steps to each of those).
A2: Sides circle 4 once round to the left while heads separate and cast back to place.  All do-si-do (8 steps for each of those).
B1: All five ladies' chain; repeat.  (Each woman moves on two places on each half of the chain.)
B2: All take promenade hold and promenade new partner one place anti-clockwise (4 steps).  Balance once.  All swing.

Keep the set compact, especially during the do-si-do, or the women will have a long way to go to get into the chain.  Men should definitely help the women through the chain by stepping forward to claim them.

Music:  Own tune
Thumbnail:  Sides right & left while heads lead down; circles and cast; dosido.  5 ladies chain, promendade, balance and swing.