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Five Hand Reel
5 people standing like the dots on the 5 side of a dice
Difficulty: 2
Style: English
Reel of 3: | The person in the middle faces any other person. This will form a line of three people including the person behind the "piggy in the middle". |
They dance or walk a reel once around to place and one extra change. This will put a new person into the middle. |
Stepping: | The person in the middle steps 4 times with the person they are facing; they turn to the person behind and step with them. The "Piggy" then turns through 90 degrees to face someone along the other diagonal and the dance begins again. |
The steps can be the usual rant step but there are many variations which probably have more traditional credibility.
As mentioned by Thomas Hardy in 'The Fiddler of the Reels' - see Pete Cooper's notes

Thumbnail: Reels and stepping