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English Gay Gordons
Also known as La Chapelloise, Progressive Gay Gordons, All American Promenade, T'Smidje, etc.Formation: Big circle, Couple behind couple all facing anticlockwise, men on the inside.
Difficulty: 1
Style: English
A: | Ballroom direction, inside hand, 4 steps forwards; turn in and change hands, 4 steps backwards. Four forwards, turn, 4 steps backwards. |
B: | Balance together, apart; pass the lady across. Balance together, apart; make arch, lady turns under, man steps forward and left to receive new lady. |

I get down and dance this with the crowd. When I say "4 steps backwards", most of them go forwards and there is general chaos. Then I say loudly "
backwards"! This always gets a laugh.
I like to do it with marches first, starting with "Scotland the Brave" but not running it for too long. Then I say "You're doing this really well - how about a few more turns without me calling it?" and we repeat it to Scottish jigs. In the link you'll see the French version - much faster and interminable!
Make sure you tell the men to move in and to the left in the progression, ready to give
right hand to their new partner.
I have also danced almost this version in Denmark, but slower. There are many stories about the dance's origin. See the Wikipedia link. See also
Music: I've put together three Scottish marches in reel time and one in jig time
Thumbnail: Forward, pivot, backwards; repeat other way. Balance, twirl, balance, under the arch.