Download this dance
Cherkessia Kfula
Formation: Line (no partner)
Difficulty: 1
Style: Israeli
A1: | Grapevine left (right across, left to side, right behind, left to side) (4 beats); do this 3 times, then right across, back on left, right across, back on left. |
A2: | All that again. |
B1: | Right across, back on left, right to right (3 beats); Left across, back on right, left to left (3 beats); do all this 4 times, then right across, back on left, right across, back on left. |
B2: | All that again. My suggested call is "Right, back, change, left, back, change, right, back, change, left, back, change, right, back, right, back". |

This isn't something you can call from the stage - get down there and lead the line, or stand in the middle of the circle. First make sure they have an idea of the grapevine step. Then you need to emphasise that the second half is across the music, so show the step slowly and I suggest you count it out: 1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2, 1-2.
And don't tell them it's traditional Israeli: no it isn't. See the article in the third link, and if you want more information click "Recreational Folk Dancing’s Inconvenient Truth" in the right-hand column.
Music: Own tune
Some callers like this gradually getting faster, particularly if they learnt it at IVFDF, but I don't think that's common.
Thumbnail: Grapevine step, special step.