Download this dance
Dashing White Sergeant
Formation: Sicilian circle, 3 facing 3
Difficulty: 2 (or 1)
Style: English
A1: | Circle left in sixes then right. |
A2: | Man turns right to face RH woman, both balance (or do Scottish setting step) then turn with right hand; then man turns to face LH woman and repeat. |
B1: | Reel of 3, start with man giving left shoulder to RH woman. End when man gets back to place second time. (Don't rush or there'll be too much music.) |
B2: | Forward 2 steps, stamp 3 times; back 2 steps, clap 3 times. Anticlockwise trios arch, others pass through. |
You can simplify B1 by having the man dance round the women turning them alternately. Without the reel, difficulty would only be 1.
I find this dance a bit repetitive, and like to suggest that the person in the middle changes places with one of the outside people from time to time
Music: Own tune

Thumbnail: Circles, turns, reels, forward and back and on.