Download this dance
Return of the Antelope
Author: Henry Garfath in Rob Haskell's bookletFormation: Set dance, 3 couples, Longways proper
Difficulty: 2
Style: English
A1: | 1s cross moving down and stand between 2s and 3s to make waves on the side; all balance forward and back, then 1s right hand turn the person whose right hand they're holding, ending back in the wave. |
A2: | All balance in waves again, then 1s turn person whose left hand they're holding; 1s swing to end in the middle facing down. |
B1: | 1s and 3s left-hand turn neighbour and pull-by left along the line, while 2s (now at the top) do the same with partner. Start a grand chain (1s with partner, 2s and 3s along the line). |
B2: | Complete the grand chain, swing partner and end in progressed places. |

Instructions corrected 26-Oct-21.
Music: 32 bar reels or hornpipes
Thumbnail: Waves on the sides, turn, repeat; 1s swing, grand chain, all swing