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Albert Quadrille

Formation: Square
Difficulty:  1
Style:  English

A1: Heads take nearest hand and dance 4 steps forward, 4 steps back.  Do-si-do opposite.
A2: Sides do likewise.
B1: Heads circle left halfway, then fall back into opposite couple's place; then women cross to change sides, then the men cross.  (Each of those in 4 steps.)
B2: Sides do likewise.
C1: All eight people do right hand star, then Left hand star.
C2: Take promenade hold and balance 4 times (all kick right foot first); then promenade 3 places round.  (Heads become sides.  New heads start again.)
Four times through is once through the dance.

Music:  48-bar jigs or polkas
Thumbnail:  Heads fwd and back and do-si-do; sides ditto.  Heads circle half, W cross, M cross.  Sides ditto.  Stars for 8, balance, promenade home.