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50 dances in New Contra Dances in the Feeling of the C21 by unknown Author     Show only dances with figures

The 100th English Weekend
A Bevy of Butterflies
Blue and Yellow Spaghetti
Buffalo Reunion
Carol's Kiel Tempest
Casterton Capers
Chasing the Hens
Chinese New Year
The Comet Trail
Companions at 75
Coray's Silver Jubilee
Delphine vor Flensburg
The Dunsmuir Waltz
Elkenrother Quadrille
An Enchanted Place
Entangled in Monte Carlo
Eternal Beau
The Filing Anomaly
Hartburn Village
Heavenly Bodies
Hopscotch Reel
Inspiration by Andrew
Karin's Quadrille
Korinna's Favorite
Lady on Diamond
Leave them Hanging
The Lizard Research Institute
Meeting 60s
Mr Felton's Retirement
Nicky's Reel
Nuernberg Castle
Patchwork Families
Pleasant Anticipation
Rang Tang Contra
Right said Fred the Needle
Six Plus One
Smiling at Ulrike
Stars of Alberta
Step Gently
Swashbuckling Iain
Tango in Toronto
Teuter Triplet 2
Three Squared
Three's Company

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